I was feeling nostalgic last week, perhaps it’s because I just entered my tenth year of blogging. I was thinking back on when we used to spray paint stuff and get 100+ comments and have link parties where we added our latest project and also Twitter parties where we’d all tune in and watch The Bachelor together and tweet about it. Those were good times.
I had a lot of really amazing comments from the last post about the flip house kitchen remodel, thank you! I really appreciate all the positive feedback! One popped out at me because of the subject matter:
The brighton style chinoiserie armchairs you’ve seen before in this sunroom and I borrowed them for the kitchen photo shoot. I stumbled across them, buried under some quilts, in a great vintage/thrift store in Las Vegas several years ago .
So it kinda blew my mind when I spied this listing a couple months ago….
Twelve hundred dollars!
And then there’s this listing for $1,650!
They’re overpriced in my opinion but still, it made me feel good that I’d scored mine for $50 for the pair!
I’d like to think I have a good eye for cool thrift store scores. Remember this $10 Cabinet makeover? This blue bamboo chest? These mid century end tables? Ah the good old days when we used to snag stuff at thrift stores and give them a makeover. I did that a lot between 2009 and 2013 and featured those transformations on the blog before I tapered off and took on larger space remodels.
So my fellow design lovers, tell me, what’s your greatest or favorite thrift store score? I invite all of you bloggers to go back through your old posts. What’s one of your favorite makeovers to share?
Or if you’re not a blogger, tell me what your greatest vintage or thrift store score is? I want to read all about it.
Via HVAC http://www.rssmix.com/
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